Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering/Looking Forward

Today, September 11, 2015, is a day of remembrance for the people of the United States, and truly, around the world. It is the day in 2001 that the world changed. It effected everyone, whether you knew someone that died in a flight or on the ground, or not.
Every year, we look back and still say what we were dong on this day, at that hour, at that moment that we found out about the tragedy in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

This is also a day to look forward, to what we want as a country to become, what we strive for every day, what we can be, the reason that so many people hate us, and what we stand for. We can become a nation that is strong, brave, and can overcome every obstacle in our path. We can be united, equal and brothers. Not many countries have achieved that, but we can.

Join with me today, to look forward. Join me to pray for the uniting of our United States, and for our leaders, that they have the guidance and wisdom to bring peace and prosperity to our great nation.

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