Saturday, September 26, 2015

This writing thing is not what I thought it would be!
This morning I had somewhat of a meltdown. I looked at the outline for the 31Days writing challenge and the lines crossing out potential jewelers to interview... and I wanted to just throw the paper in the trash and either chuck it in... or change my subject!
I have to say, I vented on Facebook... I generally don't vent on G+(Why is that?). I obviously don't communicate through writing well enough to get my point across, because I was told I had anxiety and needed medication.
Then I was told that the anxiety was getting in the way of me looking for a job....
I am asking for interviews for my blog....
I would like to interview people for the blog...
The writing challenge...

No, I haven't chucked it in, yet. I haven't changed the subject, not that it hasn't crossed my mind more than 30 or 40 times today... but I have my outline, I have a few interviews already, I have modified my letter asking for an interview. I've modified my questionnaire for the interview. I have worked on pictures,the linking button, gone back and redone some of my graphics, fonts, sizes and colors..

OK, I admit to being a bit OCD when it comes to getting blog pages to the point I like them, and I hope that other people like them... I want the page to be pleasing to the eye, easily readable, and interesting.  Hopefully, this comes across as looking inviting and professional.

So, back to the story. I have learned my lesson, maybe, to not post to Facebook anything that might be misconstrued. Not that it will matter, anything I say can and will be misconstrued. I guess I have to go to the person that misunderstood me, and gave me advice about medicating...  and apologize for writing like I was manic and a bit anxious. The truth is...I was a bit anxious, but not in the bad sort of way... but in my crazy, mixed up sort of way that I get stuff done if I'm pushed to that point...? Does that make sense?

I mean, I obsess about something, but I can actually make myself decide on a course of action if I am faced with a dilemma. If I have obsessed about something for a few days, I will just turn it off for a bit and I will usually find a solution for the problem rather quickly.  I learned that from Wanda Greene. She owned a floral business and took me in under her wing, so to speak. She taught me the business from the ground up. I got frustrated one day, doing a job that no one else would do, and she came up and asked me what was wrong with the piece. I said I didn't know. She said... walk away.
I looked at her, wondering if she had lost her mind. I had to finish it right then, and get it out. But I did it. I walked to the back of the shop, I got a drink, worked on another project for about 10 minutes and walked back into the room and could tell exactly what was wrong and what needed to happen to get it out the door in maybe 5 minutes.

That works with just about everything. I guess not brain surgery, but with writing it does. With jewelry it does, same with sculpting, painting, floral arranging, and sewing. I'm pretty sure in designing just about anything...

After my little meltdown and subsequent embarrassment on social media... I am ok. I know what I need to do and am implementing the changes to my approach. Things feel better tonight, I feel a bit relieved. We have 5 days to go before the challenge begins and I am ahead of the curve already with my page, graphics, subject, and ... most of all, with my newfound sense of accomplishment!

Join me for the 31 Days Writing Challenge, beginning October 1st. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Coming Up!

It is Fall! Today, the 23rd of September is the official beginning of the season and it is cool and beautiful here in the Western part of Texas!
With the beginning of Autumn, the thoughts of football, changing leaves, hot cocoa, and pumpkins are swirling around. Here in the desert, we don't have the change in leaves like other parts of the country, but we do have football... and it is in full swing now. The Friday Night Lights author, H.G. Bissenger,  was here just this past weekend, signing books for the 25th anniversary of the release of his book. Hard to imagine it has been 25 years, a movie and TV series since that release.

31 Days
With Fall also comes the preparing for the 31 Days writing challenge. I am participating again this year, with what I hope will be an interesting series on Jewelry. It will be a mixture of history, manufacturing, artists, and a glimpse into what goes into making and selling jewelry.  I am excited to write on something that I love, and something that will hopefully intrigue others.

Some of the jewelry artists that are lined up to be interviewed are :
31 DaysRichard Salley
Lorena Angulo
Cristine Pablon
Al Martinez
among others. It should be very interesting and informative.

There will be links to the different artists and pictures of their work. There will be tips along the way, on how to get started in jewelry making, where to learn the trade,  how to set up a workbench, tips on selling the finished products.

I hope you will join along starting October 1st. The Write 31 page is chocked full of blog links to some wonderfully exciting writers, some with blogs that will entertain, some that will inspire, some that will make you cry, but all are intriguing and enjoyable to read.
Throughout the month, I will link to that page, as well as to my pages, so that you can peruse the lists and find something that will interest you. I hope you will take time to visit the artists that I have listed and see their work, maybe even buy some of their beauties.

Hope you'll visit often!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering/Looking Forward

Today, September 11, 2015, is a day of remembrance for the people of the United States, and truly, around the world. It is the day in 2001 that the world changed. It effected everyone, whether you knew someone that died in a flight or on the ground, or not.
Every year, we look back and still say what we were dong on this day, at that hour, at that moment that we found out about the tragedy in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania.

This is also a day to look forward, to what we want as a country to become, what we strive for every day, what we can be, the reason that so many people hate us, and what we stand for. We can become a nation that is strong, brave, and can overcome every obstacle in our path. We can be united, equal and brothers. Not many countries have achieved that, but we can.

Join with me today, to look forward. Join me to pray for the uniting of our United States, and for our leaders, that they have the guidance and wisdom to bring peace and prosperity to our great nation.